
You can download the source code and can build your own django multiplayer games site template but in order to host you need to purchase reddis sever.

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Welcome to AdvanceSource

You can download the source code and can build your own django multiplayer games site template but in order to host you need to purchase reddis sever.

This is a free website template for all of you and you can commit changes into it in order to build your site. This site is built by OpenSource


Advancesource is a new project where we have tried to implement some of our ideas and to make them public so that they can modify or enhance it to the next level.

Here are some steps you have to follow to run this app in your local computer

# Cloning Repository
## If you are not using ssh run
                    `git clone`
## For ssh run:
                    `git clone `

# Installing Dependencies
                    `pip install -r requirements.txt`
                    `pip install pipenv (If you want a virtual environment)`
                    `pipenv install -r requirements.txt (If you have cloned our repository and installed pipenv)`
# Installing Redis Server MSI
1. Officially download from
2. Download redis in windows from here .
3. To download redis msi for macOS, and Linux (Ubuntu) refer to .
# Run the code
To start the app open in terminal and type ( [host:port] is optional )
                    `python runserver [host:port]`
If you are using virtual environment then run the same code by using virtual env shell.

If using pipenv follow the followings
                    `pipenv shell` and then `python runserver [host:port]` or
                    `pipenv run python runserver [host:port]` (e.g. pipenv run python runserver

This page used Jekyll Themes.

Support or Contact

For support create an issue in the github repo.